Providing Opportunities for People with Disabilities

We support employees with disabilities, visible and hidden, through recruitment, engagement, and development.

At Sodexo, we value a fully inclusive work environment where every individual can thrive. Recognizing the potential of untapped talent, we welcome those with disabilities—both visible and invisible. Through recruitment, engagement, development, and workplace adjustments, we support our employees, ensuring they reach their full potential. 

Sodexo’s global objective is for 100% of our workforce to have access to initiatives supporting the inclusion of people with disabilities by 2025. 

Awareness Campaigns

  • World Down Syndrome Day and World Autism Awareness Month

    Our employees highlight both World Autism Awareness Month in April and World Down Syndrome Day on March 21st. In addition to activities on-site during these events, we provide webinars and extensive resources on inclusive hiring, fostering an environment where every individual's talents are embraced and valued.
  • Dolphin Disabilities Mentoring Day

    Company encourages all managers to take part as a mentor in Dolphin Disabilities Mentoring Day (DMD), a business-to-business collaboration focused on mentoring to remove barriers to employment for people with disabilities. Businesses are invited to participate in this unique opportunity that allows qualified individuals to experience the world of work, gain insight from mentors, build strategic partnerships and access a valuable talent pool. DMD takes place across Canada.
Being part of ADEPT is important to me because it provides a unique opportunity for advocacy. Through ADEPT, we help to raise awareness of the value and skills that hiring people with disabilities can provide.
Jill Morgan,Senior manager, Human resources and ADEPT Chair


We’ve joined forces with leading organizations dedicated to employment opportunities for people with disabilities. By collaborating with these experts, we're gaining valuable insights and resources to accelerate our own inclusivity initiatives.


The DuoEmploi program is an initiative implemented by the Conseil du Patronat du Québec (CPQ) and an association of specialized organisms for the employment of disabled persons that aim to foster a better integration in employment for people with disabilities. The initiative has allowed interns with disabilities to be welcomed and to experience an immersion in a company, including Sodexo.

Project SEARCH

Project SEARCH is a school-to-work transition program for youth with developmental or intellectual disabilities. Students are immersed in a host business and get over 700 hours of hands-on work experience geared to in-demand roles in the local labour market. Sodexo actively supports multiple Project SEARCH partnerships around the world, including Project SEARCH Toronto.

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