Senior Living Services with Compassionate Care

Our senior living services ensure an environment where seniors thrive. Prioritize comfort, well-being and community with Inspired Living. Partner with us for exceptional care.

Learn more about our services

Made for Your Residents, With Your Residents; for Today and Tomorrow.

At Sodexo, we see the people at the heart of senior living communities. We tailor our services to meet these individuals’ unique needs, fostering a sense of belonging and well-being.  

With personalized care, exceptional hospitality and innovative dining, we build a warm and fulfilling experience for senior residents. 

This people-oriented approach means residents feel valued, cared for and engaged in their community, contributing to their satisfaction and longevity. And we don’t stop. We continuously seek new ways to enhance the quality of life for your residents. 

Partner with us to create an inspiring, nurturing and thriving senior living community.

Our Services

  • Dining and Hospitality 

    Our dining and hospitality teams offer flavorful meals and engaging experiences that support residents' health and satisfaction.
  • Clinical Nutrition

    Our clinical nutrition experts provide tailored, nutrient-rich meals to promote senior health and well-being in senior living communities.
  • Environmental Services

    Our environmental services guarantee clean and welcoming senior living spaces, providing for residents' comfort and wellness.
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    Facilities Management

    Our facilities management fosters a safe and well-maintained environment in senior living communities, elevating residents’ quality of life.

Elevating Life’s Moments Together

Sodexo enriches senior living with exceptional dining, hospitality and facilities management. Our global expertise and unwavering commitment drive us to create comfortable, caring environments where residents don't just live; they thrive. We work tirelessly to build strong partnerships that drive efficiency and growth, elevating resident experiences. Watch to see how we make a difference, every day. 

Social Impact

From diversity initiatives to sustainability efforts, we’re committed to curating our social impact while enhancing the quality of life of your residents.

Contact us

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Whether you aim to develop a robust diversity and inclusion strategy or enhance awareness, we’re here to support your journey toward diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.

Sustainable Solutions

Our senior living services champion sustainability with our commitment to a Better Tomorrow — focused on eco-friendly production, responsible sourcing and waste reduction.

Our Latest Blogs

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    Diversity Equity and Inclusion

    Inclusive Workplaces: Making a Difference as An Inclusion-Maker

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    Diversity Equity and Inclusion

    What Does Equity Mean...

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    Diversity Equity and Inclusion

    Paving the Way With Frontline Training on the History of Indigenous Peoples

Elevate Your Senior Living Community Today

Explore how Sodexo’s custom solutions can enrich your care community with unmatched senior living services focused on quality, sustainability and care. From bespoke dining and clinical nutrition to advanced facilities management, we partner with you to create exceptional resident experiences that elevate their satisfaction and well-being. Let’s work together to shape the future of senior care in Canada.

Transform your community