Engineer on a roof reviewing document

Optimise Your Workplace with Sodexo's Integrated Facilities Management

In today’s complex workplace ecosystem, expectations are growing. Sodexo’s integrated facilities management designs and delivers human-centric environments where everyone can thrive and succeed.

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Our Services 

From workplace strategy to work-life services, we provide a full spectrum of solutions that optimise your spaces and guarantee efficiency. 

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woman and man talking

Workplace Strategy 

Optimise spaces to boost efficiency and enhance employee engagement with our workplace strategy services.
office design

Workplace Design

Create functional, inspiring environments that enhance productivity and support well-being with our workplace design services.

Bringing Vitality to Your Business

  • People-Centered Approach

    Attract and retain talent by enhancing company culture and empowering your teams with our people-centered approach.
  • Expertly Created Workspaces

    Reduce operating costs and improve efficiency with space optimisation and service utilization in our expertly created workspaces.
  • Responsible Practices

    Make progress toward your environmental, diversity & inclusion and social justice objectives with our commitment to responsible practices.
  • Connected, Agile Ecosystem

    Support and connect your teams with seamless workspace planning and management solutions.
  • 4.5 x

    Cost Savings

  • $80,772

    Project Cost

  • $370,162

    Annual Energy Savings

    Let Us Help You Maximise Cost Savings

    Sodexo partnered with a pharmaceutical client to upgrade plant room lighting, aiming to reduce maintenance, enhance safety and cut energy use. We replaced outdated fluorescent fixtures with modern, efficient LED fittings and programmable controls. This upgrade streamlined maintenance, improved safety and significantly reduced energy consumption, showcasing our commitment to sustainability and operational efficiency. 

    Curious about our services?

    Our team is ready to help elevate your business.

    Contact us