delicious dishes made with sustainable ingredients

Sustainable Food Practices

At Sodexo, we are dedicated to reshaping food service practices with a steadfast commitment to sustainability. Our approach focuses on promoting plant-based food, reducing food waste and curbing carbon emissions through responsible sourcing and material waste management. 

Promoting Plant-Based Food

Our chefs are in a unique and privileged position to improve the health of our customers while reducing carbon emissions. In support of our global commitment of 33% plant-based meals by 2025, they reshape menus with sustainable and delicious plant-based options, proving that plant-forward eating is healthy, sustainable and enticing across diverse settings.

Reducing Food Waste

Strategically tackling food waste is our mission, supporting our global commitment to reduce it by 50% by 2025. From innovative technology to responsible alternatives, we're committed to cutting waste by training our teams and guests and encouraging creative solutions.

Curbing Carbon Emissions

Our primary goal is to combat global carbon emissions and limit the rise in temperature to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. As such, we work collaboratively with our clients and suppliers, with a focus on reducing direct and indirect emissions for maximum impact.

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