New Gold’s Rainy River Mine Elevates Camp Operations



The Rainy River mine is a gold and silver mine operating 65km northwest of Fort Frances, Ontario. Operated by New Gold since 2015, this mine represents one of Canada’s newest emerging gold districts.

With a camp capacity of over 375 people, New Gold was looking for ways to improve the efficiency of day-to-day camp operations, in addition to offering best-in-class food services and accommodation management.

Improving the quality of life of employees is primordial in mining camps. A comfortable and efficient experience translates to a happier, more productive workforce.

Sodexo Canada has been a service provider to New Gold since the inception of the Rainy River project. The experience and trust built throughout the years have cumulated to a contract renewal in March of 2020, adding front desk operations to the scope of services. Our global on-the-ground experience supporting remote mining operations has enabled us to create a safe environment for the new standards of remote accommodations.

From an integrated solution for accommodation management to comprehensive food services and innovative technology to partnering with local Indigenous businesses, Sodexo Canada’s unmatched services elevate the living standards for New Gold employees at the Rainy River site.

By the Numbers

  • 375-person capacity camp
  • 10 dorms
  • 376 rooms
  • 3 meals per day
  • 24h retail sales of beverage, tobacco, snacks, toiletries and sundries
  • 15-18 Sodexo staff – 70-75% identifying as Indigenous


  • The scope of services at the Rainy River mine include:
  • Food services: cafeteria, catering, Grab & Go and retail
  • General camp services: janitorial and housekeeping,
  • Front desk and commissary: accommodation management, reception services, 24-hour retail sales—beverages, tobacco, snacks, toiletries and sundries
  • Recreation services: pool, ping pong and foosball tables; weight and cardio rooms
  • Supported through a partnership with Anokiigamig: general maintenance, small repairs, laundry, ventilation, plumbing and grounds maintenance

Central to an elevated camp experience for New Gold’s workers are two key focus areas—bringing efficiency to camp operations and providing an expanded menu of fresh and high-quality foods 


Though workers on mines and remote sites tend to have long and gruelling days, they often return to basic accommodations and meals. At Sodexo Canada, we believe improving the efficiency of unconventional workplaces such as mining camps results in improved well-being for all workers.

We leveraged our experience in remote camp logistics to respond to the challenges highlighted at the Rainy River site:

Enhanced Food Services

The Sodexo team provides comprehensive food services, fueling over 375 workers with a variety of fresh and nutritious meals. Our Red Seal chef leads onsite food production for 3 meals a day, including hot breakfast and dinner, Grab & Go pre-packaged meal solutions and on-site catering services.

Offering Front Desk and Commissary Services

Sodexo turned to a technology-based housing platform that streamlines the room allocating process, simplifies reporting requirements, increases overall control and decreases check-in times and experiences. In addition, an attractive retail store was set up at the reception area, with 24-hour convenience.

Leveraging Technology

To understand and respond to expectations, Sodexo installed a Loop satisfaction kiosk to survey and gather real-time employee feedback. This tool allows the team to uncover issues and improvement opportunities throughout the site.

In the kitchen, a strategic food waste prevention program, WasteWatch powered by Leanpath helps track and develop metrics to evaluate food usage. Developed to support our Canadian Better Tomorrow mission, this automated tracking program creates a culture of sustainability that helps reduce waste and food cost.

Solidifying Partnerships with Indigenous Businesses

Our relationships with Indigenous communities are mutually beneficial. We leverage local Indigenous talent and businesses to help us efficiently deliver our services and solidify our and New Gold’s partnerships with the local Indigenous communities.

At Rainy River, Sodexo supports maintenance staff provided by our partner, Anokiigamig, a business owned by the Naicatchewenin First Nation. Their work involves ground maintenance and landscaping, potable water management and general maintenance and repairs.

The highly-trained security personnel are provided by Synterra Security Solutions, which partner with the Naicatchewenin Development Corporation, Wunnumin Lake First Nation and Kingfisher Lake First Nation.


Our commitment to building more efficient camp operations by streamlining our processes and providing best-in classes food and support services positively impact the daily lives of Rainy River’s greatest assets: its on-site workforce.

Learn more about how we can improve your camp operations.