Advocating for Diverse Sexual Orientations and Gender Identities

We want our employees to feel comfortable being themselves at work, whether that means calling them by their chosen name, welcoming conversations about their partner and family, or empowering our global 2SLGBTQ+ & Ally networks to fight harassment and advocate inclusion.

Awareness Campaigns


    Each year, Sodexo celebrates the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOTB) on May 17th with a webinar hosted by Sodexo’s Global Pride group. The event is open to all employees, with discussions on key topics and concerns, and stories of what it means to live as a 2SLGBTQ+ employee at Sodexo.
  • Anti-Bullying Week

    The last week of February is Anti-Bullying Week and Pink Shirt Day. We encourage our teams to wear pink shirts to stand against all types of bullying and harassment, promote awareness, and work toward an inclusive workplace where everyone can be themselves.
  • Pride Cafés

    The Sodexo Canada Pride team launched a series of webinars to raise awareness on various 2SLGBTQ+ topics. A guest speaker is invited during each session to discuss their chosen topics and answer questions from attendees. Topics include the correct use of pronouns, creating safe spaces at work and embracing gender-diverse coworkers.
The Pride EBRG is important for me on several levels, as a proud father of a queer daughter and as a bisexual man. I can take comfort in knowing that I have a group of like-minded colleagues I can connect with, in a safe environment, without judgement. It’s a great feeling.
Kelly Emond,Translator and Sodexo Pride Ambassador

Local Partners

We’ve joined forces with leading organizations dedicated to 2SLGBTQ+ rights in business and in the community. By collaborating with these experts, we're gaining valuable insights and resources to accelerate our own initiatives.

Pride at Work

Pride at Work empowers Canadian employers to build workplaces that celebrate all employees regardless of gender expression, gender identity, and sexual orientation, through dialogue, education and thought leadership.

Fondation Emergence

Fondation Emergence educates and promotes inclusion for diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, and expressions. They counter discrimination, advocate for equality, and address emerging needs of 2SLGBTQ+ individuals in Quebec, Canada, and globally, improving lives through education, rights advocacy, and support for well-being.

Our Global Commitment

Sodexo adheres to and has signed the Declaration of Amsterdam. By respecting human rights, eliminating discrimination, providing support, preventing other human rights violations and acting in the public sphere, Sodexo strives to create an environment where everyone feels a sense of belonging and feels valued by supporting an inclusive and safe culture internally as well as outside our walls. 

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