A Commitment to an Inclusive Supply Chain Boosts Small Business Growth

Published on : 9/13/22
  • Buying from small local businesses is an integral part of our corporate social responsibility. And in remote areas, this means playing a major role in strengthening the local economy.

    At Sodexo, CSR is at the heart of what we do. Now more than ever, employees, clients and shareholders expect our growth as a company to also have a positive impact in the world. That is why we’ve made a commitment to building an inclusive supply chain, whether it’s from diverse business owners or small to medium hyperlocal suppliers.

    In Kitimat, British Columbia, we partnered with Sherwood Mountain Brewhouse to source fresh local beer for Cedar Valley Lodge’s worker population. This partnership is mutually beneficial: We impact the development of a small local business, all the while aligning with our client’s commitment to the local community with a cost-saving solution.

    Linda Parker, Sherwood Mountain Brewhouse co-owner says:

    Buying local products sourced from local communities is good business. Sodexo has chosen to ‘Tuck in’ with Sherwood Mountain Brewhouse to source fresh local beer; more than a sampling, more than cost savings, it is a commitment to our community fabric.

    The Partnership

    Photo credit: Sherwood Mountain Brewery

    Operating since 2014, Sherwood Mountain Brewhouse crafts European-style pilsners and hearty ales in Terrace, British Columbia — a mere 70 kilometers away from Cedar Valley Lodge.

    Its selection, crafted from brewmaster Darryl Tucker, includes year-round classics such as pilsners, IPAs and the popular Munich Lager, as well as the seasonal stouts and sours.

    In March 2021, Sherwood reached out to Sodexo Canada to offer its selection of locally crafted beer for on-tap service at Latitude 54, Cedar Valley Lodge’s on-site lounge.

    After over a year of successful business, Sherwood now provides quality draft beer, branded merchandise and line cleaning services, ensuring that each glass draft tastes just right.


    The Impact

    Latitude 54 is open daily and serves Sherwood’s crafted beers to a diverse workforce of over 4,500 people at the lodge.

    The strain of the last few years doing business in a pandemic took a toll on small businesses in general, and it takes the support of a large entity to keep afloat. Thanks to Sodexo’s weekly purchasing power, we contributed to the sustainability of the brewery.

    Darryl Tucker, owner and brewmaster of Sherwood Mountain Brewhouse, says:

    As a strong community stakeholder, Sodexo has, on a continuous basis, vastly contributed to the survival of our small business and its staff.

    Supporting local businesses isn’t just about economic stability or growth, it's also about telling the story of the community we are a part of. By providing beer and merchandise to a diverse and global workforce at Cedar Valley Lodge, we help spread the word about Sherwood Mountain Brewhouse.

    As a generous host, Sodexo includes its neighbours, Tucker says. As a small business, the diversity in products and services offered to a wide variety of clients helps create a stable financial platform from which we can plan for the future.

    Learn more about Sodexo Canada’s Supplier Diversity programs.